Part 2

Nov 13, 2016    Pastor Jay Miller    9:00 A.M. Service

Let's face it: the world that we live in right now is crazy. We see terrorist attacks, racism, hatred, violence, immorality, unBiblical sexuality, sex trafficking, and laws never thought possible to ever be passed just a few years ago, all like the world has never seen before. And then, that's just some of the stuff that we see in the news! With what seems like every voice pressuring Christians to give in, what do we do? Do we change what we believe, or do we hold true to our convictions?

The prophet Daniel faced a similar problem thousands of years ago. The unthinkable had happened: the Israelites fell to the Babylonians. Many fell away from the faith, and a culture shift had initiated. Daniel, however, stayed true to his convictions. In this series, you'll learn more about staying true to your own convictions and other lessons that we can learn from Daniel's story.