What is missions?

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"  - Matthew 28:19

Missions is about sharing the hope of Jesus and building relationships. When you step outside your comfort zone and serve through missions, God uses that experience to create life change.

These life-changing experiences leave a lasting impact not only on those we reach, but on those who serve as well.

" 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' "
Matthew 25:44-45

Why Mexico?

Over 20 years ago, Pastor Sterling Miller connected with Pastor Freddie Garcia at Eben-Ezer Family Church in Elsa, Texas. Together, they began a work across the border that continues today.

Now under the leadership of Pastor Tessy Miller, the mission to come alongside Eben-Ezer to make a lasting impact in the community of Nuevo Progreso is very much still needed in a real way. 

What is missions?

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"  - Matthew 28:19

Missions is about sharing the hope of Jesus and building relationships. When you step outside your comfort zone and serve through missions, God uses that experience to create life change.

These life-changing experiences leave a lasting impact not only on those we reach, but on those who serve as well.

" 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
"He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' "
Matthew 25:44-45

Why Mexico?

Over 20 years ago, Pastor Sterling Miller connected with Pastor Freddie Garcia at Eben-Ezer Family Church in Elsa, Texas. Together, they began a work across the border that continues today.

Now under the leadership of Pastor Tessy Miller, the mission to come alongside Eben-Ezer to make a lasting impact in the community of Nuevo Progreso is very much still needed in a real way. 


First, be in prayer for the hearts of the people in Mexico and their leaders. Second, pray for our teams as we continue to serve and love through our missions trips. Lastly, pray that God would continue to provide financially for each project that we take on.


Through your giving, we are able to fund many projects across the border in Mexico. You can help support missions any time.


Are you ready to go? If you are ready to experience missions, you will have the opportunity to serve and assist  with our medical clinic, youth sports, children's ministry, community outreaches, construction, and other service projects for the church and community. No special skill is needed to join us on a missions trip. The only qualifications needed are the ability to smile and share the love of Jesus with people.


First, be in prayer for the hearts of the people in Mexico and their leaders. Second, pray for our teams as we continue to serve and love through our missions trips. Lastly, pray that God would continue to provide financially for each project that we take on.


Through your giving, we are able to fund many projects across the border in Mexico. You can help support missions any time.


Are you ready to go? If you are ready to experience missions, you will have the opportunity to serve and assist  with our medical clinic, youth sports, children's ministry, community outreaches, construction, and other service projects for the church and community. No special skill is needed to join us on a missions trip. The only qualifications needed are the ability to smile and share the love of Jesus with people.


We have committed to GO three times a year. Our trips are broken down by season. Each year, we take a spring, summer, and fall trip. A Sr. High youth trip is also planned each summer.

Find a trip below and sign up today!


We have committed to GO three times a year. Our trips are broken down by season. Each year, we take a spring, summer, and fall trip. A Sr. High youth trip is also planned each summer.

Find a trip below and sign up today!


When you go on a missions trip with TFC, you can expect to serve in Elsa, Texas and Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Youth Missions also serves in Bustamante, Mexico each year.

Get a Passport


When you go on a missions trip with TFC, you can expect to serve in Elsa, Texas and Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Youth Missions also serves in Bustamante, Mexico each year.

Get a Passport

"We do what we do because we want to share the love of Christ with our friends in Mexico and give them a hope and a future."

- Pastor Tessy Miller

How you can give:

You can give online by clicking here.

Or, you can text "Missions" to 337.307.4080.

How your giving helps
Your donations will go on to support the following vision for our missions opportunities:

- Education
Each year, your donations allow school-age kids to obtain an education.

- Building
Your giving has made a way for many construction projects and improvements to many of the areas that
we minister to for the people in Mexico.

- Internship
Your donations help fund missions interns and allow them to be the hands and feet of Jesus all year long.

Contact Us

Email: missions@thefamilychurch.org
Phone: 337-234-0214

"We do what we do because we want to share the love of Christ with our friends in Mexico and give them a hope and a future."

- Pastor Tessy Miller

How you can give:

You can give online by clicking here.

Or, you can text "Missions" to 337.307.4080.

How your giving helps
Your donations will go on to support the following vision for our missions opportunities:

- Education
Each year, your donations allow school-age kids to obtain an education.

- Building
Your giving has made a way for many construction projects and improvements to many of the areas that
we minister to for the people in Mexico.

- Internship
Your donations help fund missions interns and allow them to be the hands and feet of Jesus all year long.

Contact Us

Email: missions@thefamilychurch.org
Phone: 337-234-0214